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  • Writer's pictureZhao Zhang

My Mindfulness Practices : My 18th Tip

Today will my 18th tip on mindfulness. I‘m ever so relaxed whenever using this technique. Why is it working so well with me? Because I’m focusing on nothing else but my existence with this treatment.

On today’s : mindful sunbathing. I love it when it’s sunny and mild outside. How do I do it? Sit or lay down on a bench or a long chair, take off my shoes and wear as less layers as possible to expose my bare skin to the natural sunlight. If you have a balcony or a front or back yard, put up some long chairs and lay or sit there for a little daily in the sun, exposing your skin to natural vitamin D, calcium and protein. Put on sunscreen and sunglasses and a hat that covers your whole face. Why is it being mindful about yourself? Because you’re sighting on natural daylight, and your body is touching your chair, thence using 2 senses at the same time to signal to your mind that you exist.

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